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Do you own your trademark?

80% of the business owners invest a myriad of money and time without considering the fact that they do not own the rights to use the trademark, and they might lose it. Yes! lose the right to use your own business name and logo!

Register now!

What is a trademark?

Is the combination of logo and name. Is what the costumer will link directly to your product or service. That is the reason why it is quite important!

How can I get it?

A trademark must be registered at the IMPI (Mexican Industrial Property Institute) in order to hold the right of using it exclusively in the whole country (Mexico). It is issued for 10 years and the rights can be renewed indefinitely.


4 easy steps to get it

We check the viability. Are there possibilities?

We check the viability. Are there possibilities?

Within the next 24 hours from your mail was received, we will contact you in order to tell you the actual status and the real possibilities.

We take care of all that boring paper work.

We take care of all that boring paper work.

We prepare and send the application to the main office, IMPI.

Then wait a little bit

Then wait a little bit

6 months is the approximate average time that it will take for the IMPI to issue your property title or deny it.

You got it for the next 10 years!

You got it for the next 10 years!

The registration is valid trough the next 10 years, and also you have the right to renew it indefinitely.

Let's start!

Acquires an analysis and advice to know the feasibility of registration.

Viability check
$500 MXTaxes included
We check the viability. Includes:

Phonetic search results.

Comments and conclusions about the results shown.

1 hour advisory. We will be happy to answer all your questions.

Buy now
Registro de Marca
$8,900 MX a $6,900Válido hasta el 31 de enero 2020. Precios más IVA
Realizamos la tramitación de tu registro de marca en México. Comprende:

Análisis y asesoría de viabilidad. Búsquedas fonéticas ilimitadas y observaciones.

Tramitación. Preparación de documentos y presentación de los mismos.

Seguimiento y monitoreo del trámite.

Contestación a requerimientos por parte del IMPI.

Entrega del título de propiedad de la marca.

Buy now

Step 2: Information

To continue buying the Analysis and Viability check, first fill all the fields with your information:

Step 2: Information

To continue buying the Analysis and TradeMark, first fill all the fields with your information:

¡The trademark is the biggest investment for your business!

Keep it yours!